The green color in interior design
There is a very important role for the psychology of colors, the energy of comfort, continuity, and the details of the spaces in which we spend our time in our homes, workplaces, picnics, or to spend our daily duties and others. The choice of colors affects the general mood and atmosphere in the home, commercial, health, and living spaces in full. What is the effect? Psychological use of green in decoration and furniture?
The effect of the use of green on the psyche when used in decoration:
Green is the color of renewable energy and a very nourishing color for your mental health as it balances the entire body, bringing healing vibrations and peace of mind from nature.
When working with green it is important to have at least several shades and combinations of different colors to maximize the color’s energy and impact.

It is necessary to make an analysis of the entire space and not just the colors and of course, you should think about the colors that you like and make you feel comfortable like “soft colors”.
Soft colors are soft colors that convey a sense of calm and serenity, such as blue, pale green, brown, black, and gray, and white is the brighter color than soft colors. They are the colors of minerals and energies of water.
It is not recommended to abuse yen colors because excessive use can cause sadness, depression, and a tendency to isolation, I have always been fascinated by the fact that changing the color of the paint in a room can completely change the feeling of comfort and also increase the space.
The psychology of the color of the green room:
Green is the most relaxing color on the color wheel and gives a sense of calm and serenity, it’s no wonder it’s so often chosen for spa bathrooms and cozy bedrooms.
Since green is a mixture of yellow and blue, it has the calming effects of blue and the cheerfulness of yellow, this helps prevent it from feeling too cold like blue at times. It is also believed that green relieves stress which makes it a great color to use anywhere you want to sit for a long time.